Bruno Mahler (Music in the Air)
“Certainly one of the highlights of this production is the ensemble effort in Act I’s ‘Give Me Some Paper / I’m Alone’ a plot summary of the show being written by Bruno Mahler (Brad Baron), playwright and lover of Frieda in one of those ‘it’s complicated’ relationships. [Tanya] Roberts and Baron are like the chronically bickering love-hate couples made famous in Noel Coward comedies. And they are so much fun to watch, from their entrance right up through two very steamy reprises of ‘I’m Alone’ and ‘The Song is You.’”
From Bavaria, with love: OLO’s ‘Music in the Air’ is a delight (The Daily Record)
“Brad Baron effectively chews up the scenery as Bruno.”
Ohio Light Opera: Music in the Air (July 11) (Cleveland Classical)
“[Tanya] Roberts and Baron had a fine over-the-top time with the amusing extended sequence in which they act out their new operetta.”
Don Quixote (Man of La Mancha)
"The actor portraying Cervantes/Don Quixote/Alonso Quiana needs a baritone/bass voice that can fill a theater, yet can alternate from a middle aged poet to a madman who think's he's a knight to a pathetic old man. This puts a huge burden on the actor playing the role. The young Brad Baron pulls it off admirably, handling the Cervantes and the elderly Quixote/Quiana characters with impressive skill (along with an excellent operatic baritone). His performance of 'The Quest (The Impossible Dream)', a song that has become a standard and done to death, is well nuanced, and performed to fit the scene, making it seem fresh once again. His acting skills are especially evident in his encounter with the Knight of Mirrors."
Emile de Becque (South Pacific)
“Bass-baritone Brad Baron was an imposing Emile with a full-bodied, deep voice who handled each of his ‘Some Enchanted Evenings’ movingly, but his show stopper was his emotionally devastated ‘This Nearly Was Mine.’”
Ohio Light Opera: South Pacific (June 19) (Cleveland Classical)
“Baron is so adept at comic roles…that it was all the more impressive to see him as such a commanding Emile de Becque in South Pacific, singing ‘Some Enchanted Evening’ and ‘This Nearly Was Mine’ with rich tone and Ezio Pinza-like gravitas.”
"'Homochondria' by Brad Baron and directed by Michelle Leroy is an over-the-top burlesque concerning the cursed Casey Hibbert, his long-suffering partner, Joe Plambeck, and a Ghost of Divas Past and Present (Heidi Bennett). The result is good, silly fun."
Ringwald's Gay Play Series fills the bill with talent (PrideSource)
Jeff (Brigadoon)
"As the OLO continues to expand its repertoire from the Gilbert & Sullivan inventory that launched it, audiences are sure to become increasingly used to shows with wider choreography and spoken word sequences. Brad Baron, as Tommy’s friend and sometimes inebriate Jeff, offers first a wingman with sarcasm to spare but who morphs into despair as an accidental killer in Act II. Baron, a bass-baritone who will be seen later this season in 'One Touch of Venus,' 'Yeoman of the Guard' and 'Ruddigore' proves it doesn’t always take music to make a character endearing and entertaining."
OLO’s ‘Brigadoon’: Where the real star is an entire town (Wooster Weekly News)
"Brad Baron, as Tommy's cohort Jeff, plays his role with comedic aplomb from start to finish."
Ohio Light Opera's 37th season kicks off in style with 'Brigadoon' (The Daily Record)
Last Ditch Playlist
“Overall, Last Ditch Playlist is clever, heartfelt, and frustrating—in a good way. It’s refreshing to see a relationship between two gay men through the kind of tender-but-flawed lens that we take for granted when heterosexual couples are the subject—even down to the frank talk about the finer details of man-on-man sex that aren’t often discussed in pop culture. Aaron doesn’t get the typical Hollywood rom-com ending he so desperately desires, but Last Ditch Playlist does adhere to most important rule of both mixtape- and theatre-making: the rules are made to be broken.”
Last Ditch Playlist (Capital Fringe review) (DC Theatre Scene)
Nathan Detroit (Guys and Dolls)
"Joining [the cast] are newcomers Brad Baron and Alexa Devlin, who make spectacular debuts as Detroit and Adelaide, respectively. Baron, who hails from New Jersey has no problem with the classic New York accent. In fact, he sounds a bit like Ray Romano and displays many of the famous actor’s same innate comedic traits onstage — and the guy can sing, too. He’s a complete package, and fun to watch."
Ohio Light Opera Hits the Jackpot with ‘Guys and Dolls’ (
"[Adelaide's] fiancé of 14 years is Nathan Detroit, that most endearing of Manhattan con men...Brad Baron plays him with a thick New Yoik accent and perpetual look of exasperation that suits the guy beautifully."
Ohio Light Opera opens 34th season with two company premieres (
The Pirate King (The Pirates of Penzance)
“Veterans Hannah Holmes (Ruth) Brad Baron (who was obviously a Pirate King in a former life) and Boyd Mackus (Major General), added stability and comic prowess to their warm vocal qualities.”
Ohio Light Opera: Pirates of Penzance enchants (July 3) (Cleveland Classical)
“The OLO production is a delightful one, with a talented cast more than up to the challenge of the source material that tells the most unbelievable tale of a band of pirates — more ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ than the real-life ones from ‘Captain Phillips’ — led by the always amusing Brad Baron as the fully velvetized Pirate King.”
The Brits come ashore in Ohio Light Opera’s ‘Pirates of Penzance’ (The Daily Record)
“And the reliable Brad Baron was funny indeed as a Pirate King in the Kevin Kline mold.”
Sir Roderick (Ruddigore)
"As Sir Roderick, OLO audiences are beginning to see the talent of bass-baritone Brad Baron, starting to establish himself as a performer with a bright future."
‘Ruddigore’ is the Ohio Light Opera’s ghostly little treat (Wooster Weekly News)
"Julie Wright Costa’s formidable Dame Hannah and Brad Baron’s Sir Roderick were further comic and vocal pluses, and gave their “Little Flower” duet the requisite poignancy."
"Brad Baron takes the opportunity to shine as Roderic Murgatroyd, the leader of the ghostly chorus."
Ohio Light Opera's 'Ruddigore' is laugh-out-loud production (The Daily Record)
Slick Fothergill (Girl Crazy)
“It turns quiet, little Custerville into something like CowboyCon, right down to the neon fringe on the jacket of gambler Slick Fothergill (a very funny Brad Baron, who makes the role funnier than it’s written)”
All that dancing makes OLO audience go a little ‘Girl Crazy’ (The Daily Record)
Wilfred (The Yeomen of the Guard)
"Brad Baron, whose casting as Wilfred Shadbolt, head jailer and assistant tormenter, is one of many strokes of pure genius in this, the final of the OLO’s seven titles of its 37th season...This is Baron’s finest performance of his second OLO season. Although Shadbolt has an admittedly gruesome job, Baron makes the character somehow not only funny, but sympathetic. After all, as he tells Phoebe, 'I didn’t become a head-jailer because I like head-jailing. I didn’t become an assistant-tormentor because I like assistant-tormenting.'"
‘Yeomen of the Guard’ brings OLO audience to its feet, and quickly (Wooster Weekly News)
"Olivia Maughan was a particularly rich voiced and satisfying Phoebe, and her scenes with Brad Baron’s likable Shadbolt amusing."
"Just as Shakespeare loved his clowns, Yeoman includes several of them...[They include] Brad Baron, who at times gives the impression of being made of rubber. These three actors are superb."
The Wolf (Into the Woods)
“Brad Baron always adds his own talented touch to his myriad roles, and the wolf is no exception.”
‘Into the Woods’ is theater at its best (The Bargain Hunter)
“The wolf? Now, he’s a different type of wolf than we’re accustomed to seeing, but fun with it all. Brad Baron literally chews up the scenery as he tries to capture Cindy.”
THEATER REVIEW: “Into the Woods” @ Ohio Light Opera (Cool Cleveland)